Underbust- Corset Pattern for Beginners (Steampunk)

Eyo! Since I am making a big corset tutorial, I thought, I might give you a little more insight to corsets and a way more easy version, which is manageable for even beginners! Interested? Let’s go! Continue reading “Underbust- Corset Pattern for Beginners (Steampunk)”

Basic Corset Pattern – Part 1 (Steampunk)

Okay guys, here it is: a corset for a steampunk Cosplay! I have really thought a lot about this, and I’ve decided to make this a tutorial for everyone. From beginners to advanced. This is part one, and it’s a full corset. I’ll give you some basics and then we get down to the pattern! Continue reading “Basic Corset Pattern – Part 1 (Steampunk)”